In this section:
Excel Tip - Macro to Eliminate Hypertext Usage - As noted on the first page of this section, one of the most frustrating things we find with using Excel is that Excel wishes to create hidden html for world wide web references, such as those starting with "http" or "www" and also for email addresses. The specific annoyance occurs when the mouse comes into contact with one of those data cells, your browser can go to the html location whether you want it to or not. That can make it hard to use www addresses or email address in spreadsheets. The following is a simple macro to eliminate these hyperlinks - either one at a time or in bulk. the macro Sub hyperlink_delete() This macro is of course quite simple. It has only one real line of code - the one that begins with "Selection". The first line beginning with "Sub" is merely the name of the macro, which is hyperlink_delete() in this case. The macro subroutine must begin with the word "Sub" and must end with "End Sub". The second line is really a comment. Anything after the ' sign will be a comment and the computer knows that there will be no code there. So line two is just a comment for our information. That leaves line three the only real code. And what line three says is that for any text that is selected, remove the hyperlinks. You can use this macro therefore if you select only one cell of a spreadsheet where you have a hyperlink to delete. However, you can delete hyperlinks from a large area - a whole column of them for example - by highlighting all of the hyperlink items in that column before executing the macro. installing this macro (instruction for Ms Office 2000 - other office products should be similar) Highlight the four lines of the macro as shown above in your browser, and use "Ctrl" and "insert" or "Ctrl" and "C" as needed to copy it to your windows computer clipboard. Then open Excel, and under the "Tools" pull down menu select Macros by moving your mouse to the right. The macro window should open. Select "Edit" and the past the macro code to a safe open area in the macro text area. By safe area I mean, do not paste it within another macro - between another "Sub" start and "End Sub" end. It must be on a separate line or lines. saving the macro Excel does not have a "Save Normal" command under file as does Ms Word. Excel will simply remember this macro. macro on the toolbar If you select "Tools" and "customize" a window that will open that will help you put this macro on your toolbar. You can choose a new toolbar under the "toolbar" tab or simply use an existing toolbar already there. Under the "commands" tab, select the "macro" category and a smiley face should appear on the right. If you move this smiley face by dragging it to the toolbar, you will now have an icon that will execute this macro when pressed. To use this icon, simply on your spreadsheet select the cells or cells that you wish hyperlinks removed by highlighting those cells. Then click the smiley face to execute the macro. If you decide not to use the smiley face option to execute this macro, then you can still highlight the cells as before, but under "Tools" and "Macros" then select the desired macro - which would be "hyperlink_delete", and then select "Run".
Mail Sorting Mail sorting within Outlook can be quite helpful. At times you may wish to sort some of your mail into folders, some for business, and some for personal. You may also wish to sort junk mail into a different folder. How to do this? In inbox, first highlight the email item that you wish to re-direct to another folder in the future. You need not open the email. Highlight it, and then select "Organize" in the upper tool bar. A dialog should open that should be helpful. You can then "create a rule" that will check either the "to" or "from" recipient and for that specific person you can have email sent to a folder that you select on the right. So you can therefore set up a "personal" folder and or a "work folder" and more to send emails to the right temporary storage location for your reading later. Junk Mail You can also use the above for junk mail, to send it quickly to either a junk mail folder or directly to "deleted items" if you wish. But in the case of junk mail, be aware that the senders often know that they are sending spam, and may elect to use a different send address each day to keep you from automatically ignoring them. Another Outlook tool that may help when you are in "Organize" mode is to click the square on the upper right marked "rule wizard". This will allow many more options. Under rules, you can select "new" and under "new" you can select "move messages based on content", for example. You can then note if there is specific content in the subject or body of the email that would make that item "junk mail" and direct it in that manner.
Internet Explorer (browser)
Printing Information from the Web Have you ever had problems printing a page from Internet Explorer - or from any Web Browser? It is a common problem. It is hard to set proper print margins from a browser, and one often notices that they have cut off a needed column of information on the right hand side. How to deal with this? Simple, use the computer clipboard to copy the information that you wish - text and pictures perhaps - to Ms Word. Of course the difference here is that Ms Word will allow you to control print margins and more to get the information that you need. You do this of course, by using the method on page one of highlighting the text and pictures if you wish on your browser with your mouse. Then use "Ctrl" and "insert" at the same time (or "Ctrl" and "C" if your browser requires that) to copy that section of information to the computer clipboard. Now that the information is copied, open Ms Word if it is not already open, and select "New Document". Simply paste the information, text and pictures, onto Ms Word by first locating your mouse cursor in the desired spot, and then using "shift" and "insert" to paste the text and pictures to Ms Word. Are you done? Not necessarily. You might have to adjust page margins. You might also wish to look at the print preview as to how it might print. In some cases you might also have to change the type of "page setup" (under "File" in the pull down menu) to "Landscape" in order to print a page sideways, if its data extends too far horizontally. But play with the margins and "Portrait" versus "Landscape" under "page setup" which is located under "File" in the pull down menu of Ms Word. There should be a setting there that will print the page satisfactorily for you. When it looks right in "print preview" and margins and portrait versus landscape are right, then it is time to print.