Calculator Ensemble SOFTWARE
Windows: 10 (might
also work on XP, 7,8,9)
rpsoft2000 Calculator
Ensemble - More Calculators
/ English Conversion Calculator |
7 Different
categories. Change one item and press enter into that box and the
whole area gives the equivalents of the value that you pressed. |
Mortgage Calculator |
Simple loans on the left side. On the right
is the far more common mortgage type or normal APR loan type. Change
one value in a text box and press enter and it will cakulate the
others. What does APR mean? Annual Percentage Rate. It is a very
common loan amount used for many loans at least within the US. An
APR rate of 12% is not 12% per year, since the interest is figured
monthly. It is instead 1% a monthly compound interest, which is a
larger number. |
ODDS Calculator |
Three different categories for odds caculations. Combinations,
Permutations, and a complex version for combinations. |
World Time Calculator |
When I first
did this, I wondered if this would just be a toy. But now I find
that I have used it a bit when curious what time it was when an
event was happening around the world. It does caluclate daylight
saving time according to the latest definitions and latest list of
where used that I could find. Unfortunately, sometimes that gets
modified. |
Chinese (older) Animal Year Calculator |
perhaps mostly for fun. But sometimes tradition and customs of the
old days can be fun, and these Holiday dates are still celebrated in
some world places. Years from 1924 to 2043 have year timings that
give the actual lunar day of year change. Other years just use the
common average of Feb 5 as the average date change for the animal
calendar year. Note that some women believe babies born in the Year
of the Dragon might be more powerful. |