Windows:  XP, Windows 7,8



Loading Issues

Hopefully these are covered on the main page.  However, simply, if a browser or an operating system does not want you to load a zip file, or run the program look for arrows or items on the warning you can click to give you the choice to do it anyway.


THE MAIN GENERAL ISSUE STILL THERE - The coding compiles and runs much faster than the speed of the file system or the progress bar.  And sometimes we have seen that the coding system does not pause and allow the progress bar to move forward.  At other times, too many commands from the coding to the file system may cause a file or a directory to be missed if the file system cannot keep up.  Also, after a large number of file changes, we find that it is a good idea to wait at least 30 seconds or even a minute for the file system to recover before double clicking to change directories or trying to delete files from a file system that has not yet put itself together.  Some safeties have been added.  After Sync operations, the system may tell you if the file sizes should be the same and are or are not.

PROTECTED FILES -  We did find one case of protected files while running a "Sync" routine.  My giant backup file system made by someone else was protecting folders.  Okay.  I could not delete those folders manually either.  So protected files and or folders of course can block operations.

Errors: FILES CANNOT BE CHANGED SINCE USED BY ANOTHER PROCESS or DIRECTORY CANNOT BE DELETED - due to having no files in it?  or was that files in it?  So far, when I have seen either of these two, what they have really meant is that the file system cannot keep up with the faster coding.  The coding is faster than the file system, and if the file system cannot keep up, you can get an error such as these.  These errors often fix if the process can be run again a second time.  But DO NOT please rerun scramble or unscramble under filenames since that can make for a most difficult repair.  But I do believe that all of the 8 items under the pull down menu "Sync" can be run again - if the file system did not get it all.

SCRAMBLE or UNSCRAMBLE Filenames - IMPORTANT - If you have a problem during scramble or unscramble, please do not simply do it again as one might with file sync operations.  The problem is that the files and perhaps also folders if you check the folders option will just be scrambled deeper and it could become quite hard to repair.  So then, what to do?  Hopefully errors will be few and seldom.  Very short file names can lead to issues as the below paragraph says.  But to fix it, watch for the error list at the end.  The errors hopefully should also be listed on the clipboard.  I would then go a word processing program and use "ctrl-v" to paste the clipboard information to the word processing page.  Then one by one, look at the items if you can to see why there might be an issue.  As the below says, very short or very long files might have an issue.  The very short ones, like one or two characters, might be scrambled into having the same name as another legitimate file in the same directory, and that can produce an error.  But again, if you have issues during scramble or unscramble, do not simply do it again.  Try to look at the error list and take action just on those items.  Recall that you could always copy or move them to another directory to work on them, and then copy or move them back. 

We have seen some issues if the file or folder names are too short or too long.  We do not yet understand the issue with the too long items, but have added a shorten option under filenames if you wish to use it to try and keep files to a reasonable size.  The too short item unfortunately makes sense and at least right now, I do not see how to fix it in software.  But the issue is that scramble does scramble letters.  If you use one letter or perhaps even two letter file or folder names, when a name is scrambled, it could become the same name as an older legitimate file or folder still there.  There is a chance of that happening.  If that happens, the file system may not allow a change that would mean an overwrite.  For longer file names, well, I would guess we would need to be unlucky to have that happen.  But of course it still could.  Best for scramble or unscramble to have file or folder names at least 3 characters long that will seem different.  As for the very long ones, again, I do not have that answer.  But in general, perhaps we all should avoid long file names.  I try now to keep under 50 characters.  Again, please follow the advice in the above paragraph and please do not simply run it again, since instead of fixing it, it could send things even deeper to a second level of scramble, making it very hard to repair.


In Filemanager2b, before current Build 191, scramble extension problem on png and perhaps also pptx files.  Fixed in 191 which is the current download

In Filemanager2b Build 188, a drive with issues can tie up the program and the only option seemed to be to kill the program from the computer.  Build 189 should fix this - which is the new download as I write this.  If a path is bad, you are given the option yes, no or cancel of going up one directory level to try and recover if you choose yes.  But if that does not fix it, then choose no and select another path or drive manually.  You could of course also select "Make the path the same as the other side" - if that side is doing fine.

Directory Filenames in 2a where we thought we saw problems in version 2a with directories that had commas or parenthesis in the directory names seems to be a 2a issue.  We did not see this problem repeat in version 2b which uses a better sub routine finder and tracker software system.



But most of all .. have fun with this program.


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