


A CANNON ... low prim, seems to work, is this fun or what?




Would you believe that this cannon is only 4 prims?  Compare its appearance to some other cannons we have seen at 20 prims.  You can have 5 of these things for the same SL rent.  A scupltured prim for the cannon barrel, with a complex metal texture of black and gold at just the right spots with shading adds perhaps more realism than the 20 prim versions.   

$L 100

SL Marketplace (New X-Street) Direct link (click here)


This is the cannon before shooting.  While it really shoots nothing, so you wont irritate your neighbors, it sure does seem that it does.


This is the cannon when firing.  It makes noise.  And shows simulated smoke near the barrel.  And those white steaks ahead would seem to be a cannon ball, yet they are just white streaks.  Fun, but safe, sort of, lol.  Oh yes, just sort of left click the thing to get it to shoot.  If you stand close the smoke may look a bit strange, so try to view a bit from the cannon.

View from inside the model dressing room    

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